The National Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Qualifications (NAVETQ) as the National Support Service for European Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE) have been awarded a grant from the European Programs for Education and Youth, Erasmus+is. The project aims as follows: (i) to bring EPALE to the adult learning community in Albania, and motivating this community to participate on its activities; and (ii) support the Central Support Service in delivering quality content in a multilingual, dynamic, interactive and innovative platform, through the upload of contents in both English and Albanian languages.
Adult learning is close to, but not synonymous with, continuing vocational education and training. It is usually used: (i) to provide compensatory learning in basic skills, which individuals may not have acquired in their initial education (such as literacy, numeracy, etc.); (ii) to enable people (a) to access and attain qualifications not gained, for various reasons, in the initial education and training system, (b) to acquire, improve or update skills or competences in a specific field; this is continuing vocational education and training. At present the concept of adult learning is not well introduced and developed in the education and training reforms and the awareness about it is still low at all levels of governance as well as among population.
This project aims to contribute to Support to multilingualism, by providing this set of activities: (i) usage of the European glossary of terms in adult learning in order to build a common understanding of main concepts and definitions, as well as enriching it with the specific inputs from the Albanian context; (ii) Quality checking of the translations into English made by CSS from Albanian sources; (iii) Translation of the EPALE CSS monthly newsletter into Albanian language; (iv) Selection and translation of important resources and information from Albanian into English, as explained in the Working Package.
This assignment’s final objective will be the preparing materials in Albanian language and translating/editing it into English, which is a key-action of this proposal to support the multilingualism. This also, a very important contribution for embedding the European key-resources available in English language in the Albanian adult learning community, through translation into Albanian.
Other objective will be the links between EU and the Albanian public institutions operating in this field.
The local interpreter/translator Albanian – English will be responsible for providing interpretation and translation services from Albanian into English, and vice-versa, according to needs and requirements of the EPALE NSS project’s activities.
The expert will perform the following tasks / outputs:
- Usage of the European glossary of terms in adult learning in order to build a common understanding of main concepts and definitions, as well as enriching it with the specific inputs from the Albanian context;
- Quality checking of the translations into English made by CSS from Albanian sources;
- Translation of the EPALE CSS monthly newsletter into Albanian language;
- Selection and translation of important resources and information from Albanian into English, as explained in the Working Package in cooperation with the NAVETQ responsible staff;
- Interpretation from English to Albanian and vice-versa in activities related to working packages of the project.
- Education: University degree in English language, translation studies, international relations, or related areas
- Experience: at least 5 years of progressively responsible in translation (written translations and interpretation) with an international organization
- Computer Literacy: Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Power Point, Excel, etc.)
- Ability to work under pressure
- Meet tight deadlines without compromising on the quality of work, and being flexible
- Strong interpersonal and cross-cultural communications skills
- Excellent presentation skills
- Highest standards of integrity and loyalty
- Excellent communication and report-writing skills in English and Albanian