The National Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Qualifications (NAVETQ) as the National Support Service for European Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE) have been awarded a grant from the European Programs for Education and Youth, Erasmus+ for National Coordinators for the Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning (AL-AGENDA). The project aims as follows: (i) to steer an action of support and promotion on adult learning nationally; (ii) to strengthen the inter institutional coordination, participation and policy debate; (iii) to generate a better understanding on the needs and benefits of adults learning; (iv) to promote and raise awareness among beneficiaries of Adult Learning, and (v) to improve capacity at NAVETQ to drive policy change and interventions in the system of skills and training delivery, through encouraging involvement of partners in policy debate, engage group of interest to present and sinus policy agenda, prepare evidenced based policies and benefit sharing best practices with EU or region neighbors.
The NAVETQ, needs to engage an external auditor to produce an independent report of factual findings on the Final Financial Report of the above-mentioned action.
Scope of the assignment
The Report of Factual Findings on the Final Financial Report – Type I is an independent report of factual findings produced by an auditor.
The purpose of the Report is to provide the Agency with a reasonable assurance that:
- All costs as well as all receipts (including other sources of financing) declared in the Final Financial Report are justified by the relevant supporting documents;
- All costs are incurred[1] in the eligibility period in accordance with Article I.2 of the Grant Agreement/ Article 2 of the Grant Decision. For costs incurred outside the eligibility period, further guidance is provided in Section II.3.3 of these guidance notes;
- Expenses incurred in a currency other than Euro have been converted in accordance with the provisions[2] of the Grant Agreement/Decision;
- The beneficiary has complied with the rules for accounting and record keeping in accordance with Articles II.19, II.20 and II.27.2 of the Grant Agreement/ General Conditions n° 19, 20 and 27.2 of the Grant Decision;
- Sub-contracting and procurement costs comply with the related provisions set by the Grant Agreement/Grant Decision.
- the external auditor must be independent from the beneficiary;
- the external auditor must be qualified to carry out audits of accounting documents in accordance with national legislation. A beneficiary established in a third country (i.e. non-EU member state) must comply with equivalent national regulations in the audit field
- The auditor is not in conflict of interest with the beneficiary. A conflict of interest arises when the auditor’s objectivity to establish the Report is compromised in fact or in appearance because, for instance, the auditor:
- was involved in the preparation of the Final Financial Report;
- stands to benefit directly should the Report of Factual Findings be accepted;
- has a close relationship with any person representing the beneficiary;
- is a director, trustee or partner of the beneficiary;
- is in any other situation that compromises his/her independence or ability to establish the Report impartially.
- Professional experience: minimum three years’ professional experience in one of these fields: accounting, financial, taxation and auditing;
- Qualifications: a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies of at least 4 years attested by a diploma in the accounting, finance and/or auditing field, or professional training/a professional qualification of an equivalent level relevant to these fields.
- Proficiency in English: Very good English writing skills
- The Auditor must submit the report