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We are looking for international adult learning expertise

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We are looking for international adult learning expertise for supporting the development of contents for the “electronic platform for adult learning in Europe (Epale) in Albania” Background and Rationale The National Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Qualifications (NAVETQ), as the National Support Service for European Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE), has been awarded a grant from the European Program for Education and Youth, Erasmus+. The project aims as follows: (i) to bring EPALE to the adult learning community in Albania, and motivating this community to participate on its activities; and (ii) to support the Central Support Service in delivering quality content in a multilingual, dynamic, interactive and innovative platform, through the upload of contents in both English and Albanian languages. The reforming policy of Albania’s education and training system, besides taking into account such traditional issues as: curriculum development, training of teachers/instructors, equipping schools/centres, is oriented toward a “systemic reform” which is addressing issues, such as: Albanian Qualifications Framework, capacity building, institutional building, skills needs analysis, social partnership, etc.  Adult learning is quite new and a very important reforming area for Albania, like for other South Eastern European Countries. Its importance is even higher considering the path and the pace of the economic reforms implemented during transition and the respective consequences. The size, the structure and the development level of the private sector, the average skill level of the work force, which is far from guaranteeing the economy and the labour force to become competitive in a regionalized and globalized world, are only some of the features that can be mentioned here. Scope of the assignment Adult learning is close to, but not synonymous with, continuing vocational education and training. It is usually used: (i) to provide compensatory learning in basic skills, which individuals may not have acquired in their initial education (such as literacy, numeracy, etc.); (ii) to enable people (a) to access and attain qualifications not gained, for various reasons, in the initial education and training system, (b) to acquire, improve or update skills or competences in a specific field. At present the concept of adult learning is not well introduced and developed in the education and training reforms in Albania, and the awareness about it is still low at all levels of governance as well as among population. To increase the information available and the awareness about adult learning activity in the country is one of the main goals of EPALE. Albania as a candidate country to the European Union was eligible for participating in this platform. The main objective of this assignment is:
  • to assure the quality of the deliverables produced by NAVETQ as the National Support Service to promote EPALE in Albania;
  • to provide technical advice to the NSS on the development of the planned activities and on the potential impact of such initiatives in Albania.
The expert will perform the following tasks:
  • Knowledge exchange with the EPALE NSS Team and other stakeholders/experts on Adult Learning;
  • Analyse / evaluate all measures carried out by the EPALE NSS Team to promote the platform and Adult Learning in Albania, and propose recommendations;
  • Identify potential areas for further development/improvement within the project, in the next years;
  • Develop a Roadmap for promoting EPALE and Adult Learning in Albania for the period 2017-2018, considering the recently adopted New Skills Agenda for Europe. 
Expected outputs: 
  • Participation in technical meetings (up to a maximum of 3) with the EPALE NSS Team and other stakeholders/experts for knowledge sharing about Adult Learning
  • Participation in one seminar/workshop on Adult Learning in Albania
  • Evaluation report of the work carried out by the EPALE NSS in 2016 (5 pages maximum,), including Recommendations for future actions
  • Roadmap for promoting EPALE and Adult Learning in Albania in 2017/18.
These outputs are expected to be delivered Expert selection methodology  According to the Grant Agreement, an expert with experience in Adult Learning and EU Policy Framework in Lifelong Learning will be selected. Selecting Criteria  General requirements
  • Master Degree or Postgraduate studies in Educational or Social Sciences, Economics, Adult Learning (or related areas)
  • Very good knowledge (written and spoken) of English language
  • Very good knowledge of MS Office
Experience requirements
  • Extensive Knowledge and Work Experience in Adult Learning and Lifelong Learning topics – minimum 10 years of experience in related topics
  • (Active) Participation in EU related forums on Adult Learning
  • Very good knowledge of the New Skills Agenda for Europe, and its predecessor’s strategic documents. 
Selection procedure After receipt of application, the EPALE Project Coordinator will carry out the evaluation and notify the applicant(s) within 10 (ten calendar) days. The applications will be evaluated based on the quality of the technical and financial offer in accordance with the procedures set out in the Practical Guidelines and Procedures (PRAG) for EU external actions, as well as based on provisions of the national legislation.  Time frame and remuneration of services The abovementioned assignment is expected to start on the 1st of November 2016. The assignment is expected to be completed by end of December 2016. The expert is going to work in distance and have a site mission of maximum 4 working days. For the tasks and outputs mentioned above, the expert shall be remunerated for a maximal number of 12 (working days). The maximal honorary shall not exceed the amount of EUR 4.800,00 (four thousand eight hundred euro).  Responsibility and Reporting
  • The expert will take full responsibility for the completion of the tasks/outputs mentioned above.
  • One week (seven calendar days) upon notification of winning candidate, the latter shall submit (electronically) a detailed work plan for the assignment, within the expected timeframe and including the respective deadlines. This work plan will be approved by the EPALE Project Coordinator (director of NAVETQ) within 5 working days.
  • He/she will debrief the EPALE Project Coordinator (director of NAVETQ) on the findings of its mission in the country.
  • He/she will submit a final written report, including all the products as annexes, and with specific recommendations to the EPALE Project Coordinator (director of NAVETQ).
Administrative/Logistics Travel, accommodation and communication costs shall be covered by the expert, however coordination and support will be offered to him/her by the technical coordinator of this task at NAVETQ. How and where to apply Interested applicants are required to submit the application package to the following email address: The application package should comprise:
  1. a technical offer including a recently updated CV, an application request and a copy of the diploma of the highest degree achieved.
  2. Financial offer
Deadline for application: 18th of October 2016, 16:30 hrs (CET). More information about EPALE can be found at: or For further inquiry on the application procedure, please consult us at: and/or 2015-3228-request-for-expression-of-interest_adult-learning-expert 2015-3228_service-procurement_notice_international-adult-learning-expert Tirana, 27th of September, 2016